• 讲述了地球上发现的一艘被遗忘的古飞船。侦查员将她运送到月球上,她遇到了令人印象深刻的机器,保存着那消失了很久的文明的智慧。
  • 日本高中生恋爱真人秀第三季!五女三男的八位高中生,在短暂的两天一夜的旅行中,会展开怎样的爱情故事?最终由女生向心仪的男生告白!心动又勇敢的青春恋物语!
  • 故事本身讲述政府成立秘密组织“花生酱三明治”(PBS),支援女性的婚活,并会以当中的数据进行解说。组织成员包括新人研究员兼潜入搜查担当椿(矢作穗香),数据至上主义的前辈研究员小林(伊藤健太郎),谜次所长权田(伊藤修子)。他们每次都会找来4名女性,进行监视及进行分析,得出结婚机会率及恋爱进展可能性等数据。
  • 姐弟俩Dipper和Mabel被爸妈赶到了俄勒冈州一个偏僻小镇Gravity Falls,在那儿,他们的舅公Stan经营着一家专门诈骗无辜游客的旅游景点“神秘小屋”,其中陈列着各种稀奇古怪的东西。但关于这个地方真正诡异的东西并非神秘小屋的陈列品,而是深藏在它茂密的森林中 ……机智的Dipper和可爱的Mabel将在这个夏天经历各种意想不到的奇异事件。请看迪士尼频道荒诞风格动画Gravity Falls。
  • Two millennials get into a relationship where they are allowed to meet only on 'Tuesdays Fridays'.
  • 1779. Eight-year-old Ludwig van Beethoven, called Louis, is already known as a musical prodigy. He learns to go his own way - much to the dismay of the people around him. Some years later, he meets Mozart during times of political upheaval. The unconventional genius and French Revolution are sparking a fire in Louis' heart; he doesn't want to serve a master - only the arts. Facing times of family tragedies and unrequited love, he almost gives up. However, Louis makes it to Vienna to study under Haydn in 1792, and the rest is history. Who was this man, whose music has since touched countless hearts and minds At the end of his life, the master is isolated by loss of loved ones and hearing. Surely though, he was way ahead of his times.
  • 赦免

    The true story of Toni Jo Henry, a woman tried for the crime of murder in 1942 in the state of Louisiana. Toni Jo, a product of childhood abuse and neglect, briefly discovers love and happiness that soon turns to m.yakubd.cc despair when her husband Cowboy is sent to prison and she embarks on an ill-fated plan with an accomplice Arkie to free him.
  • 1976年,Niki Laudasurvi在Formula One历史上发现了一例出血性出血。在之前的一次采访中,LAUDA:THEUNTOLDSTORY解释了在纽博格林发生的一个致命的、接近致命的日子,然后LaudaScourus在蒙扎进行了一周的旅行,以掩盖这一令人震惊的事件。这些电影调查了这场混战的影响,不仅是他自己的生活,而且对整个门户网站的影响,着眼于从20世纪到现在的安全发展。独家访问MercedesHQ,并与Lauda、他的家人以及过去和现在的赛车传奇进行对话,包括SirJackieStewart、DavidCoulthard、MarkWebber、LewisHamilton、NicoRosberg、Hans-JoachimStuckan和JochenMass。表:所有的赛车迷都可以看到冠军。